Josh Giddey’s New Girlfriend Maki Lesko: Who Is She Really?

Giddey's New Girlfriend
Picture Credit: Josh Giddey

In the whirlwind world of sports and celebrity, every move under the spotlight can trigger a storm. Josh Giddey, the Oklahoma City Thunder star known for his prowess on the court, finds himself in the eye of a new controversy surrounding “Giddey’s new girlfriend.” Recently, photographs surfaced showing Giddey in the company of Maki Lesko, an Australian model with a captivating presence. This revelation comes on the heels of prior scrutiny over Giddey’s interactions with a younger individual, which sparked a public investigation into his private life.

Josh Giddey’s New Girlfriend Maki Lesko: Who Is She Really?

“This was probably the biggest challenge I’ve ever gone through for a number of reasons,” Giddey acknowledged previously, alluding to the pressures that extend beyond the basketball court.

Amidst speculations swirling on social media, fans have been quick to comment on the apparent closeness between Giddey and Lesko. Their outings together have fueled rumors of a budding romance, adding yet another layer to Giddey’s public persona.

Lesko, a Melbourne native of Russian, Polish, and Australian descent, has carved out a name for herself in the modeling industry, previously associated with AFL circles. Represented by prestigious agencies both in Australia and the United States, her presence alongside Giddey has only heightened curiosity about their relationship dynamics.


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Photographs shared on social media depict moments of casual intimacy: Giddey and Lesko at social gatherings, enjoying each other’s company. These snapshots, capturing them in relaxed settings, have ignited discussions about their compatibility and the intersection of their respective public lives.

In the off-season, Giddey returned to his roots in Australia, where he was spotted multiple times with Lesko. Their public appearances, marked by affectionate gestures and shared moments, paint a picture of a duo navigating the highs and lows of fame together.

As observers dissect the nuances of this high-profile pairing, questions about Lesko’s background and her connection to Giddey continue to swirl. Her presence alongside the rising NBA star underscores the magnetic pull of sports and entertainment, where personal lives intertwine with professional success in ways that both captivate and divide public opinion.

Whether this romance will endure the relentless scrutiny of the media spotlight remains to be seen. For now, Giddey and Lesko stand as a testament to the complexities of fame, where every gesture and interaction becomes fodder for public consumption and debate.

Sarah Thompson
Hey there, basketball fanatics! I'm Sarah Thompson, and my world revolves around the heartbeat of the hardwood. With a background in sports journalism, I've turned my passion for the game into compelling narratives. From game-changing plays to off-court drama, I'm here to keep you in the loop. Expect insightful analyses and exclusive player interviews that dive deep into the soul of basketball. Join me on this court-side journey, where every hoop has a story to tell.

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