Why Leaky Black Thinks Defense is His Golden Ticket to NBA Stardom

Leaky Black Thinks Defense is His Golden Ticket to NBA
Image Credit: Leaky Blacks

Leaky Black isn’t one to rest on his laurels. The Charlotte Hornets forward, renowned for his defensive prowess, is motivated by an unrelenting desire to prove his worth. His journey is marked by dedication and a fierce competitive spirit that keeps him pushing forward, always aiming higher.

Why Leaky Black Thinks Defense is His Golden Ticket to NBA Stardom

In the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas, amidst the noise of NBA summer league, Black finds a quiet corner in the sprawling casino that serves as the Hornets’ temporary home. Far from his days at Chapel Hill, he’s focused solely on the game ahead. A familiar figure, oblivious to Black’s presence, strolls past. It’s none other than Mike Krzyzewski, the legendary Duke coach, walking by unnoticed.

Black, deep in conversation about his defensive strategies, momentarily loses his train of thought. “I was just going to say, he just threw me completely off,” he laughs. “I was not expecting to see him.” The irony isn’t lost on him. A legend walks by, unnoticed by many, but for Black, it’s a reminder of the heights he aspires to reach.

Leaky Black is no stranger to the rigors of NBA summer leagues. Last year, he secured a two-way contract with the Hornets, his hometown team. Standing at 6-foot-6, the undrafted free agent has steadily honed his skills, becoming more comfortable and confident on the court. His recent performances, especially in the win against New York, showcase his growing prowess.

“My job is simple,” Black says. “I just need to be in the right spots defensively, make things happen, and impact the game. I know what to do now, and the game feels easier for me.” This confidence stems from his relentless work ethic and the drive that fuels his ever-improving game.

The Hornets’ coaching staff recently organized a team-bonding event, a pleasant surprise for the players. Black, now 25, relishes his role as a mentor to the younger players. “It’s fun, man. We’ve got a good group of guys who are willing to buy in. I’m super thankful for young guys who work hard,” he says.

Reflecting on his journey from college to the NBA, Black acknowledges the similarities between his current coach, Charles Lee, and his former college coach, Hubert Davis. “He’s just really a player’s coach. He’s got energy, he’s supportive, and he knows how to lift us up. It brings us together,” Black explains.

On a two-way deal for the second year, Black is laser-focused on securing a permanent spot on the 15-man roster. “That’s all I’ve been thinking about,” he admits. “I’m looking to prove I belong here. By being consistent, making shots, and leading on defense, I believe I can make it.”

His dedication extends beyond just the physical game. Black and coach Ryan Frazier work tirelessly every weekday morning, perfecting his moves and building his strength. “We’ve been at it every single day. That gives you the confidence to try new things in games,” he says.

Black’s primary role may be defense, but he’s also expanding his offensive game. “I’ve worked on my moves, and when they work in a game, it’s a great feeling,” he shares. “But the team needs me for defense, to knock down shots, and to make things happen when it counts.”

For Black, defense is not just a duty but a calling. “I feel like I have the instinct for it. My size, athleticism, and length make me a strong defender. Every coach tells me that defense will keep me in the NBA, and I’m committed to it,” he says.

As the Hornets’ roster evolves, Black is ready to fit in wherever needed. “I can play the ‘3’ and ‘4’. I’m open-minded and ready to prove I belong on this team,” he asserts.

Sarah Thompson
Hey there, basketball fanatics! I'm Sarah Thompson, and my world revolves around the heartbeat of the hardwood. With a background in sports journalism, I've turned my passion for the game into compelling narratives. From game-changing plays to off-court drama, I'm here to keep you in the loop. Expect insightful analyses and exclusive player interviews that dive deep into the soul of basketball. Join me on this court-side journey, where every hoop has a story to tell.

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