Savannah James’ Hilarious Podcast Moment Gone Viral: Clarifying “Monogamous” or “Mahogany”?

Savannah James' Hilarious Podcast Moment Gone Viral: Clarifying "Monogamous" or "Mahogany"?
Image Savannah James Instrgram

Savannah James, the esteemed wife of NBA legend LeBron James, has once again gone viral and captured the attention of listeners with her recent appearance on the Everybody’s Crazy Podcast. While her initial stint on the show delved into her personal life and love story, her return for a second episode brought forth a moment of hilarity that has since taken the internet by storm.


During the podcast, Savannah James and host April engaged with callers, offering listeners a chance to interact directly with the duo. However, it was a particular exchange that left both James and the audience in fits of laughter.

In a light-hearted moment, Savannah attempted to explain her preference for monogamy, emphasizing her desire for her partner to be faithful to her alone. Yet, amidst the jovial atmosphere, the word seemed to evade one caller, who instead amusingly substituted it with “mahogany,” a type of wood. Despite Savannah’s patient attempts to clarify, the caller persistently reverted to the unconventional term, sparking a comical exchange that resonated with audiences.

The podcast segment not only showcased Savannah’s down-to-earth demeanor but also highlighted her willingness to engage with fans on a personal level. Her openness about her upbringing, including her parents’ approach to sensitive topics like sex education, offered listeners a deeper understanding of her background and values.

Furthermore, Savannah’s candid discussion on public displays of affection (PDA) added another layer of insight into her relationship with LeBron James. Her remarks on the subject, delivered with humor and authenticity, resonated with audiences, showcasing her refreshing perspective on intimacy and family life.

As the clip of Savannah’s memorable moment gone viral and  continues to circulate online, it serves as a testament to her charm and relatability, endearing her to fans far beyond the basketball court. With each episode of the Everybody’s Crazy Podcast promising new revelations and engaging discussions, audiences eagerly anticipate what Savannah James will share next.

Alex Turner
What's up, hoops enthusiasts! I'm Alex Turner, a basketball junkie with a playbook for a heart. As a former player and coach, I've taken my love for the game and turned it into a journey of analysis and insight. My articles aim to break down the game's strategies, dissect crucial plays, and offer a glimpse into the tactical intricacies that make basketball an art. From the NBA to college hoops, I'm your go-to guy for decoding the language of the court. Let's dive deep into the world of basketball together!

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