Luka Doncic’s Pet Peeve and LeBron James Comparison Revealed by Coach Jason Kidd’s Facet of his Star Player

Luka Doncic's Pet Peeve and LeBron James Comparison Revealed by Coach Jason Kidd's Facet of his Star Player
Image From NBA

In an engaging conversation with Sam Amick from The Athletic, Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd shed light on an interesting facet of his star player, Luka Doncic. Known for his incredible talent and competitive spirit, Doncic has a particular pet peeve that can quickly stir his emotions: any mention of FC Barcelona.

Doncic, who played for Real Madrid from 2015 to 2018, is deeply entrenched in the fierce rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona. Kidd shared that bringing up Barcelona is a sure way to get Doncic talking, albeit with a bit of irritation.

“You want to get Luka to talk, you talk Real Madrid,” Kidd remarked. “If you want to piss him off, you talk about Barcelona. If you know about the rivalry with Real Madrid and Barcelona, you know how to poke the bear a little bit.”

Kidd recounted a recent joke he made with Doncic, saying he might take up a coaching job with Barcelona, which got a reaction from the young star.

“So today, I’m joking with him, and I go, ‘Man, I think I’m gonna take the Barcelona job. Did you see how they sacked the manager (on Friday)?'”

This light-hearted exchange highlights the depth of Doncic’s loyalty and competitive nature, stemming from his early career with Real Madrid. Doncic signed with the club when he was just 13 years old and began playing professionally in 2015. His tenure with Real Madrid was marked by significant achievements, including winning the EuroLeague Championship in 2018 and being named the EuroLeague MVP the same year.


Jason Kidd didn’t stop at discussing Doncic’s pet peeve. He went on to offer one of the highest compliments an NBA player can receive by comparing Doncic to LeBron James. Since taking over as the Mavericks’ coach, Kidd has witnessed Doncic’s exceptional growth in offense and his ability to make extraordinary passes, drawing parallels to the LA Lakers star.


“The IQ is extremely high. He can take and make any shot. He can pass like no other. LeBron might be a little bit better defensively, and understand passing lanes [better]. But when you talk about the stage, Ky [Irving], Luka, Dirk [Nowitzki], the great ones aren’t scared,” Kidd said.


Comparisons to LeBron James are rare and significant. LeBron, a four-time NBA champion, has set a high bar for excellence in basketball. Very few players have earned such a comparison, highlighting Doncic’s remarkable ability to read the game and lead his team, especially in high-stakes situations.


Since entering the NBA, Doncic has displayed a maturity and skill level that have drawn admiration and awe from fans and analysts alike. His performances in the postseason, where he consistently carries his team, further solidify his place among the league’s elite. The Mavericks’ current 2-0 lead in the Western Conference Finals underscores Doncic’s impact and potential to guide his team to the NBA Finals.

The insight provided by Jason Kidd about Luka Doncic’s aversion to Barcelona adds a personal dimension to the young star, showing that beneath his composed exterior lies a passionate competitor deeply connected to his roots. This rivalry and personal history fuel Doncic’s drive and determination on the court, traits that resonate with fans and elevate his status within the NBA.


Kidd’s comparison of Doncic to LeBron James is not just high praise but a testament to Doncic’s influence and potential. While the comparison highlights Doncic’s offensive prowess and game intelligence, it also acknowledges the areas where he can grow, such as defensive awareness. This balanced view provides a realistic yet optimistic outlook on Doncic’s career trajectory.


As the Mavericks continue their playoff run, the team’s success will hinge on Doncic’s ability to perform under pressure and lead by example. Kidd’s insights reveal a player who is not only talented but also deeply passionate and driven by a competitive spirit. This combination bodes well for the Mavericks as they strive to secure a place in the NBA Finals and possibly contend for a championship.
Alex Turner
What's up, hoops enthusiasts! I'm Alex Turner, a basketball junkie with a playbook for a heart. As a former player and coach, I've taken my love for the game and turned it into a journey of analysis and insight. My articles aim to break down the game's strategies, dissect crucial plays, and offer a glimpse into the tactical intricacies that make basketball an art. From the NBA to college hoops, I'm your go-to guy for decoding the language of the court. Let's dive deep into the world of basketball together!

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