Legend of Knicks Patrick Ewing on Hypothetical Matchups with Jokic and Embiid

Legend of Knicks Patrick Ewing on Hypothetical Matchups with Jokic and Embiid
Credited: New York Knicks

Patrick Ewing, who is considered a legend for the New York Knicks, competed during a time when skilled big men such as Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson, Shaquille O’Neal, and Tim Duncan were prevalent. Referred to as the “Hoya Destroya,” Ewing, originally from Kingston, Jamaica, always embraced difficult tasks and cemented his place as one of the top centers in the NBA.

Career Highlights

Throughout his 15-year stint with the Knicks, Ewing maintained an average of 22.8 points, 10.4 rebounds, and 2.7 blocks per game. Despite not winning an NBA championship, especially in the 1994 Finals against Olajuwon’s Houston Rockets, Ewing’s continuous strong performance and multiple awards confirmed his reputation. Having been selected for the All-Star team 11 times and the All-NBA team seven times, he is still highly respected in the history of the NBA.

Imagining Modern Matchups

Ewing may not play anymore, but he stays updated on the sport. When questioned about potential matchups with current top centers Nikola Jokic and Joel Embiid, he answered with assurance and humor.

Embiid and Jokic are two individuals. Ewing noted that they are currently the top two centers in the league, so it will be tough competition. “I would need to protect them, and they would also need to protect me.” I believe those two men will create a fantastic competition.

Ewing’s Skills and Style

In Ewing’s best years, he displayed a wide range of offensive skills. His jumpers could lure out slow centers, while his agility allowed him to easily bypass them. He employed agile footwork to make room for mid-range shots when playing against Olajuwon. Ewing was a strong defender, excelling in shot-blocking and protecting the paint, skills developed while playing against players like Robinson.

Never Backing Down

In his professional career, Ewing competed against NBA greats such as “The Admiral” and “The Dream.” His drive to compete never diminished, and he is certain he would have enjoyed the opportunity to go up against Jokic and Embiid. “We’re going to battle,” Ewing commented about his fictional confrontation, encouraging everyone to purchase tickets and prepare some popcorn. “It would have been intense battles competing against those individuals as they possess great skill, talent, and versatility.”

Respect for Today’s Stars

Contrary to certain legends who find fault with the modern NBA for being less physical or competitive, Ewing respects Jokic and Embiid. He values their abilities and the way they have advanced the game. He expressed his respect and admiration for their abilities, saying they are highly skilled and talented in various areas.


Patrick Ewing legend of Knicks, still holds his place as one of the top centers in NBA history. His potential games against Nikola Jokic and Joel Embiid exemplify his lasting desire to compete and his appreciation for how the game has progressed. Even though it’s only a dream, Ewing’s confidence and respect for the skills of modern top centers demonstrate his profound knowledge and passion for the sport.

Maya Rodriguez
Greetings, fellow basketball aficionados! I'm Maya Rodriguez, a storyteller at heart, weaving tales of the game I love. Specializing in women's basketball, I'm on a mission to shine a spotlight on the incredible narratives often overlooked. Through my articles, I not only break down scores and stats but also share the inspiring journeys of female athletes. Join me in celebrating the resilience, skill, and passion that define women's basketball – because every hoop deserves its heroine.

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