Kobe Bryant’s Mentorship That Changed Anthony Davis’s Career

Anthony Davis's Career
Picture Credit goes to Anthony Davis

As the curtains fall on the electrifying 2024 NBA Finals, it’s impossible not to reflect on the legendary Kobe Bryant and his lasting influence on today’s basketball greats, including Anthony Davis’s career. With five championships under his belt from seven Finals appearances, Bryant’s legacy looms large over the NBA landscape.

Kobe Bryant’s Mentorship That Changed Anthony Davis’s Career

One player who frequently reminisces about the Black Mamba is Dallas Mavericks star Kyrie Irving, who often speaks about his deep connection with Bryant. But it’s not just Irving who cherishes the wisdom Bryant imparted. Anthony Davis, another NBA superstar, was fortunate enough to learn from Bryant during their time on Team USA, an experience he recently shared on the Visit The Lobby podcast.

Davis painted a vivid picture of his mentorship under Bryant. “Seeing Kobe get up early every morning to work out, shooting and lifting weights with him, showed me what it means to train like a pro,” Davis recalled. “I was just 19, and Kobe’s dedication was eye-opening.”

One memorable moment Davis recounted was a dinner in Barcelona. “We had a team dinner, and I showed up in sweats, thinking it was like college. Everyone else was dressed to the nines. Andre Iguodala even had a white scarf on. They pulled me aside and said, ‘Young fella, you can’t dress like that.’ I had no idea. Now, I always ask if sweats are okay, but usually, I dress up.”

This wasn’t just about attire; it was about adopting a professional mindset. “Kobe and the guys taught me how to be professional, to understand the grind and the work ethic needed to excel,” Davis explained. “Watching Kobe from afar and absorbing his mentorship was invaluable. Unlike most rookies, I got to skip Summer League and instead learn from the best. It put me ahead of the curve.”

Bryant’s guidance played a crucial role in Davis’s evolution into one of today’s NBA elites. The lessons learned from Bryant’s mentorship were seamlessly integrated into Davis’s career, propelling him to lead the Lakers into a new era.

Despite being 31, Davis shows no signs of slowing down. His passion for basketball is still burning bright, with retirement not even a blip on his radar. This unyielding love for the game keeps him at the pinnacle of his performance, ready to take on new challenges and elevate the Lakers once more.

Kobe Bryant’s impact on Anthony Davis is a testament to the profound influence a mentor can have. The Black Mamba’s legacy lives on through players like Davis, who continue to honor his memory by embodying the professionalism and work ethic that Bryant so fiercely championed.

Sarah Thompson
Hey there, basketball fanatics! I'm Sarah Thompson, and my world revolves around the heartbeat of the hardwood. With a background in sports journalism, I've turned my passion for the game into compelling narratives. From game-changing plays to off-court drama, I'm here to keep you in the loop. Expect insightful analyses and exclusive player interviews that dive deep into the soul of basketball. Join me on this court-side journey, where every hoop has a story to tell.

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