Draymond Green Declines Coaching Future Despite Lacob’s Offer

Draymond Green Declines Coaching Future Despite Lacob's Offer

Steve Kerr’s tenure as head coach has led the Golden State Warriors to a period of unprecedented success. However, the question of who will eventually replace Kerr is looming. One intriguing possibility mentioned is Warriors forward and four-time NBA champion Draymond Green. Despite team owner Joe Lacob’s expressed interest in Green taking over coaching duties in the future, Green himself is not interested in such a role.

Lacob’s High Praise In a conversation on the “Point Game Podcast,” Green shared that Lacob had broached the topic of him potentially coaching the Warriors after his playing career ends. Green appreciated the compliment, understanding the significance of Lacob’s trust.

“I’m honored, man, with the conversations I’ve had with Joe Lacob over the years and him saying to me, ‘Yo when you’re done, I could see you one day coaching this team when Steve’s done, like I could see you working with this team. I would love to see that,’ ” Green said (h/t Clutch Points). “That means the world to me because that means the man who owns the organization that I play for is watching me play basketball and saying, this guy can one day coach my team.”

Green’s Response Despite Lacob’s praise and confidence in his abilities, Green made it clear he has no interest in transitioning to a coaching or front office role once he retires from playing. The 34-year-old veteran highlighted his desire to take a break from the rigorous basketball schedule he has adhered to his entire life.

“Now when I take a second step back when I look at whether it’s front office or whether it’s coaching, if I’m honest with you, I have zero interest in either one of them right now,” Green said. “The reason I don’t have any interest in either one of them is because I’ve been on a basketball schedule my entire life man, and the reality is, as special as it is, you miss so much.”

Future Considerations While Draymond Green is currently focused on his playing career and leading the Warriors back to championship contention, he doesn’t completely rule out the possibility of a change of heart in the future. His passion for the game and deep understanding of its intricacies make it conceivable that he might eventually reconsider.

For now, though, Draymond Green is dedicated to his role on the court, aiming to add to his already impressive legacy with the Warriors. As he continues to contribute to the team’s success, any future in coaching or front office roles remains a distant consideration.


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